Become Nostalgic About Today

Random Thoughts On Appreciating The Moment


By Jerry Lambert

A while ago, I was inspired to start a blog based on a simple statement. Become Nostalgic About Today. What that means to me is to develop warm, nostalgic feelings for whatever I might be doing at the moment. Raking the autumn leaves, listening to kids playing on the playground at school, or driving with the windows open on a beautiful day.

Life’s simple pleasures that often pass by without us taking notice. It’s understandable. Between work and home, most of us don’t have a spare minute to ourselves. However, pausing for a moment in our busy day and noticing these little things can make life more enjoyable.

I decided to start an idea journal and began jotting down story ideas as they came to me. That was about six months ago. I had some good ideas right away. However, after that initial creative rush, they all dried up. Then a weird thing started to happen. As I became more in tune with these nostalgic moments, I started to notice them more and more. Kind of like when you’re shopping for a new car and you start to see that model everywhere.

I decided BNAT was going to be a blog only, and not an online resource library that I hope TBPC has turned into. Also, I decided to write these articles as brief observations of no more than three or four paragraphs. Something you can read with your morning coffee or when you’re stuck in line at the supermarket checkout.

So that’s it. Hopefully, you will check out this new blog, enjoy it, and share it with your friends. To kick it off, I wrote an article that goes into much more detail about how I got the idea for the blog and what I hope to accomplish with it. I also posted an article called, What Good Will It Do? It seems very relevant to the times, and I hope it will give you something to think about.

To get to the new blog, just click on this link or go to:

Please leave a reply in the comments box at the bottom of each article to let me know if you enjoyed it and share your personal observations. Thank you!

Author: Jerry Lambert

I am an older worker who found himself a member of The Brown Parachute Club, purely through no choice of his own. I hope this blog helps you to deal with your situation and hopefully points you in some interesting directions.

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